Shipping & Delivery

Supported Shipping Methods

Currently, buyers can choose from eight express shipping options: TNT, EMS, UPS, FedEx, DHL, China Post, Hongkong Post and S.F. Express.

Since the shipping methods are set up by the suppliers, you are advised to directly contact the supplier for more shipping information. To contact the supplier, you may go to the product detail page or shop and click “Contact Now” to send a message.

You can also click Chat Now! to chat in real time with suppliers who are online using Aliexpress instant messenger, Trade Manager.

Customs & Import Taxes

Orders may need to clear customs in your country. Please check if your order will incur additional import duties, taxes or other customs related charges.

  • Import duties, taxes or other customs charges will be collected by the shipping company upon delivery.
  • Suppliers are not responsible for delays caused by the customs department in your country.

Additional costs or delays may occur during international trade. We sincerely hope that you do not use additional import costs or customs clearance delays as a reason for requesting refunds or leaving negative feedback.

Shipping Cost

All courier services and shipping fees are set up by suppliers. Suppliers can choose from eight express shipping options: TNT, EMS, UPS, FedEx, DHL, China Post, Hongkong Post and S.F. Express. Shipping fees are automatically calculated on the basis of weight, size and volume.

If you feel the shipping fee is too high for an item you would like to order, you may contact the supplier regarding shipping cost.

If the supplier agrees to change the shipping cost, he/she can modify the amount as per agreement before payment. Or you may also choose alternative shipping methods to lower the shipping cost.

Shipping Time

Currently suppliers can choose from eight express shipping options: TNT, EMS, UPS, FedEx, DHL, China Post, Hongkong Post and S.F. Express.

In addition, delivery time varies depending on country and courier service plus other factors such as wars and pandemic that may affect delivery time. For information regarding delivery time, please directly contact the supplier.